On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 10:16 -0700, Nic Jordan wrote:
> Dear List,
> I'm currently involved in a project for building en entirely new site.
> The choice of our informatics-advisor is Liferay. I now volunteered to
> try to convince him, that "Django" is the better choice.
> Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Liferay, and I'm still
> fairly new to Django as well. I know that these are two completely
> different "systems".

Yeah, no kidding. :-)

> To be a bit more specific about what is wanted (what we really need is
> another topic):
> -JSR-168 (or similar specification) and SOA;

Oeople from the Java side of town always seem to assume that everybody
else knows what each particular JSR is (you're not the first to do
this). I got as far as getting to the Sun Java site to read JSR-168, but
the license says I can only use it for internal evaluation and since
there's a greater than zero chance I might one day want to implement
something "portlet" related in Django and it might even have a large
overlap with something Sun have previously done, I can't agree to that
license, so I can't read the document. What does the "portlet API" do?

Similarly, SOA is an architecture style. It's not the one Django is
normally used for (since REST-style architecture is more useful for the
types of things Django was built for), but it wouldn't be impossible to
do things in that style. After all, you're still sending data to a URL
that is then processed by a view and in your (Python) view functions you
can do whatever you like, including running that data through SOAPy or
ZSI or any other library that can be used 

> -Capable to handle more than one programming language in data
> activities as well as in application activities;

What does this mean? Can you give an example, please, since "data and
application activities" just means "code" when I use the normal meanings
of the words. Django requires writing code in Python. You could just
Django on Jython and then call to Java code (modulo running a
non-released version of Jython at the moment, but that will change early
next year).

> -Independent of Hardware, Software, programming language, operating
> system (as much as possible)

Django is a Python framework. Liferay doesn't meet this requires,
either, since it's totally Java based. That being said, you can run
Python on more platforms than you can run Java on, so it's more
independent of hardware and OS in that respect.

> Has some sort of a software library which is expandable and has
> already enough basic business logics in a framework to quickly develop
> a new application on top of it;

You can see from djangosites.org, random browsing of this mailing and a
few quick Google searches that Django is designed to build a variety of
simple and complex applications quickly. But "quickly" is a very loaded
term, since it depends on the available skillset and complexity of the
task, for example. There are no doubt some seemingly very simple
applications for which Django would be inappropriate, but there are
complex ones for which it is highly appropriate. So looking for a
definitive answer here is a bit of a fool's errand.

I would be suspicious of choosing or rejecting *any* framework because
of a bullet-point like this (or many of the other ones in this list). I
realise this isn't necesarily your list, but so many of this points can
convincingly and correctly be answered with "both yes and no". Unless
there are some people (more than one!) in your team who have invested a
week or so in really trying to build something with both Django and the
alternatives, you aren't going to be able to make that sort of gut-feel

> -Has a web services kind of API to the external components, so the
> independency to any environment is as low as possible;

Having an API is the easy bit. Hooking it up to the appropriate models,
etc, is highly problem-specific. As noted above, we have an API in that
Django accepts calls to URLs and there are Python libraries for
processing WS-* protocols. So I guess this is a "yes".

> -Easy authority structures preferable via an external LDAP/X.500
> system;

People have integrated Django's authentication system with LDAP in the
past. It doesn't come out of the box, but external authentication
backends are possible by design.

> -Editorial capabilities (separation for writing, checking, publishing
> and maintaining);

Look at the admin interface. Django isn't a Content Management System
per se, so the admin is the only built-in thing like this.

> -Capable to automatically deal with the differences between the web
> browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc.);

There are some hacks (and they really are) to work around bugs in IE as
far as the HTTP protocol goes. As far as generating HTML/CSS/Javascript
that works everywhere, Django stays out of your way there and lets you
do whatever you want.

> -Able to (automatically) synchronize (and converting) data if these
> data’s are used and/or distributed over more than one database;

Not out of the box. But pretty easy to write scripts to do this. You're
not evaluating just Django here, after all. It's Django plus Python plus
available libraries.

> -Relatively easily to backup;

Backup what? The database is backed up however your database of choice
is backed up. The files are backed up however you choose to backup files
normally. I can't see how there would be any kind of differentiation on
this point.

> -Relatively easily to maintain.

Again, "relatively easy" is a comparitive term. For myself, anything in
Python is about 1000 times easier to maintain that most Java pieces of
code I've worked with. But I have friends working deep in the bowels of
Java shops where the reverse might well be true.
> I'm well aware that there are many things mixed up, not belonging to
> the question of "using Django or not", but I do not know how to put it
> simpler, because the mentioned points above are the "cracking ponts"
> to choose "something".
> Does anyone have experience which she/he is willing to share with me?
> If there is something other than Django that fits these "needs", I'm
> very open for a hint, too.

I doubt that there's anything that clearly fits or doesn't fit these
"requirements", since they're so non-specific and open to interpretation
that it's really a license for picking whatever takes the fancy. As
management requirements lists go, it's pretty typical and not that
useful for assesment.

I was serious in what I wrote above: you really have to roll up your
sleeves with one or two others and try implementing something
non-trivial in each platform and see how easy or hard it is. Those types
of run-off evaluations are still hard to interpret, since mistakes you
make the first time around and experiences gathered influence the second
implementation, but if you're really trying to work out the most
appropriate fit (rather than just validate a previous choice) and if the
same people work on each section, it's possible to draw some reasonably
valid conclusions.

Best of luck,

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