On Jan 29, 2:18 pm, Gertjan Klein <gkl...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> This payment thing comes up regularly here, and pollutes the discussion.
> I have been using Django for a while, and found it to have good things
> and downsides (both IMHO). I have not even critisized Django here (yet
> ;)), just expressed mild curiousity. I don't think I've given you reason
> to bring up that you're not payed for your work on Django.


For what it's worth I agree with you. I've lost track of the number of
times i've found bugs in open source software and been not-so-subtly
told to contribute the fix myself. Or asked about something that I
think should be included and been told to write it myself.

As a consumer of software libraries it is not my job to fix them,
maybe there will come a time when I choose to spend some time
contributing back to the projects, but there is a lot of overhead
involve in learning enough of how a library works to write patches and
not everyone can spare this.  Additionally some of us simply aren't
smart enough to fix/add features we want.

Your reasoning for wanting this functionality is reasonable, as is
Malcom's explanation for why it has yet to be done (nobody has agreed
on the best way to do it)

Andrew Ingram
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