Where do I do the compare though as the headers are not being returned
- the file is being downloaded so I don't get to see what might be
different.  (Using Firefox Firebug NET option - very helpful
otherwise).  It's the browser making the decision about how to handle
the request (Isn't it?).

On Feb 18, 8:23 pm, Colin Bean <ccb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:50 AM, phoebebright
> <phoebebright...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The javascript makes a call to this view on submitting the form that
> > uploads the image.
> > def uploadimage(request):
> >        try:
> >                upload_full_path = settings.CONTENT_IMAGES
> >                upload = request.FILES['image']
> >                dest = open(os.path.join(upload_full_path,
> > upload.name), 'wb+')
> >                for chunk in upload.chunks():
> >                        dest.write(chunk)
> >                dest.close()
> >                result='{status:"UPLOADED",image_url:"%s%s"}' %
> > (settings.CONTENT_IMAGES_URL, upload.name)
> >                return_data = HttpResponse(result,mimetype='Content-
> > Type: text/
> > html')
> >        except Exception, e:
> >                return_data = HttpResponse("Error in uploading image")
> >        return_data.flush()
> >        return return_data
> > In Firefox/Mac it uploads the file and returns
> > "{status:"UPLOADED",image_url:"/site_media/content/
> > dalston_cranes.JPG"}" to javascript which tells javascript all went
> > well.  In IE/Safari the file is uploaded successfully but the above
> > text is downloaded as a file called something like 2s6OP6WO(2).part so
> > control doesn't return to the javascript.  Have applied a similar
> > program in PHP and it works fine. Tried different mime types and tried
> > to trace what is going on but without progress.
> > Phoebe
> > On Feb 18, 2:33 pm, Almost George <almostgeo...@almostexciting.com>
> > wrote:
> >> On Feb 18, 5:36 am, phoebebright <phoebebright...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > There is something different about the way django is handling to 
> >> > response to php I think.
> >> I use the YUI Rich Editor in admin, and have no problems. I know
> >> debugging isn't as easy in IE as others, but do your best to find out
> >> the exact response (mostly, response headers) that's being sent to the
> >> browser. Also, could you clarify the above "response to PHP"
> >> statement? Perhaps explaining the technical details of what's going on
> >> would be of some help?
> Tools like Tamper Data (firefox extension) or WebScarab (standalone
> proxy) let you examine all the header values sent with an HTTP
> request.   You could use this to compare the exact headers returned by
> PHP vs. Django, and fix any differences in the Django response.
> Colin
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