On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 09:54 -0500, Karen Tracey wrote:

> You might want to read:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6527
> My sense from that ticket (and other half-remembered discussions of
> iterators and HttpResponses) is that, if this is working for you now,
> you are just lucky you don't have any middleware consuming your
> iterator before it actually gets sent as a response.  In the future
> when that ticket is fixed I believe the element of luck will go away
> and you'll be guaranteed all of your iterator response content will be
> sent, but sending the beginning of the response will have to wait
> until the full response is generated, so it won't accomplish the
> progress display you are attempting to show by using this technique.

Darn.  I'm looking at the patch and it clearly says:

``HttpResponse.__init__()`` will read and store the iterator's contents.

Guess I found a bug to exploit.  Too bad they are changing it.

Let me take another look at Kevin's suggestion.  Maybe I can play around
with showing the progress bar (unhiding it) via the JavaScript example.
Adam Stein @ Xerox Corporation       Email: a...@eng.mc.xerox.com

Disclaimer: Any/All views expressed
here have been proven to be my own.  [http://www.csh.rit.edu/~adam/]

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