On Saturday 28 March 2009 12:43:26 pm stars wrote:
> I'm totally new at Python and Django and I'm having trouble with the
> installation. I'm running windows vista and I have downloaded pyhton
> 2.6. So basically, I went through the install directions a millon
> times, and nothing worked..
> I need someone to walk me through it, step by step so I know exactly
> what I'm doing.
> thanks!

It would be more helpful if you stated step by step what you did. 

I find when I want to ask for help, this is what I do first. I'll walk myself 
through each step slowly and examine what is required for the current step, 
then if I'm unsure of the requirements go check out what they really mean. 
Search Google, the official documents, etc...  and repeat for each step. 
Usually I'll find the answer before I hit send. 

I can say that the django docs are very well written, but (correctly) assumes 
more than a passing knowledge in python and your operating system.  In this 
case, I think you should understand more about how python works when using 
external libraries and an understanding of the PYTHONPATH/sys.path, which 
also leads into the Environment variables mentioned previously.  But this is 
just a small guess based on the info provided here. 

Ah, but a man's grasp should exceed his reach, 
Or what's a heaven for ?
                -- Robert Browning, "Andrea del Sarto"

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