> Hi,
> I came across a similar problem when trying to put together my app for
> handling menus (since I wanted to be able to specify menu items by url
> names).  Anyway the following was the method I finally came up with
> which seems to work just fine for me -
> http://code.google.com/p/greatlemers-django-tools/source/browse/trunk/gdt_nav/models.py#158
> Hope this helps.
> --
> G

That looks like it does exactly what I'm looking for. I wish there
were a way to find the URL name without having to call the resolver
again, but your method looks pretty fast. Thanks!

Shawn, request.build_absolute_uri() returns a full path like
http://hostname/path/goes/here/, but it doesn't tell me the name of
the URL pattern that caused the request to be resolved to a particular


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