On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Emily
Rodgers<emily.kate.rodg...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently working on some web apps that use django for the back
> end, and extjs for the front end (using JSON to pass data between the
> two).
> I am getting to the point where I am going to have to start doing some
> form integration. Has anyone done this lately (with the latest version
> of extjs)? If so, how did you go about it? I have looked on the web,
> but most of the extjs / modelform examples are using either an old
> version of django or an old version of extjs, both of which have
> undergone fairly backwards incompatible changes in recent revisions. I
> just thought that I would ask here before spending lots of time trying
> to figure it out from scratch.

I can't speak for ExtJS, but Django hasn't had any backwards
incompatible changes in almost a year - and the areas where you are
delving here (i.e., view and forms handling) have been stable for much

So - you shouldn't have any problems (from a Django point of view)
with any tutorial that is a year old.

I can't offer much advice than that, though. Firstly, I'm not that
familar with ExtJS; secondly, there isn't that much to explain.
 * You write a Django view.
 * That view serves a HTML page.
 * The HTML page contains some javascript.
 * The javascript makes a call on another Django view.
 * The second Django view serves JSON, or some other raw data format.
 * The javascript running on the first page uses that data to modify
in-situ the original page.

And boom, you have an AJAX website. To be sure, there is some
complexity in getting your Javascript working - but that complexity is
almost 100% a function of your JS toolkit of choice. From Django's
perspective, all you ever do is serve individual pages - either HTML
for human consumption, or JSON/some other format for automated
Javascript consumption.

Russ Magee %-)

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