On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 11:39 +0200, Thomas Guettler wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a workflow engine. The base workflow is stored in the DB.
> But some code needs to written for most workflows.
> This means I need code for a model instance (an not code per mode class).
> To make this most pythonic, how could this be done?
> My idea: since I want the workflow to be portable to several installations, I 
> don't use
> serial IDs for primary keys, but slug-fields. The slug-field could be a 
> importable
> classname like 'foo.workflow.MyClass'.

You already have the content type table for referring to other model
objects. Why not use that so that you can maintain some referential

I suspect, simply because you've been using Django forever and know
what's going on, that there is something subtle here I don't understand,
so feel free to tell me why I'm an idiot and this won't work.

> Now I want that the Workflow model instance inherits from MyClass. This must
> be done at runtime. I think this could be done with a custom manager.

This is where I become Old Conservative Malcolm and say that you might
want to consider NOT abusing model inheritance! :) I have reasons,
though, so let me explain...

I try to always relate this back to Python and what you can do in Python
with normal classes (Django's ORM just provides a way to store parts of
classes on disk). You can do what you want in Python, using the type()
command where you can create whatever base classes you like. Sadly, it's
harder than that when we introduce the persistence part -- storing in
the DB. Since inheritance is implemented via relations that are
constraints at the DB level, allowing arbitrary tables is not going to
be possible. Although I've tried to implement model inheritance so that
it works as transparently as possible, there are limits and this is one
of them -- it's a genuine leaky abstraction, because the database
requirement influences the functionality regardless of what
implementation I use.

A Django relation that points to any type of model already exists,
however: GenericForeignKey. Since you can ignore model inheritance in
Django and use a OneToOneField to link the models, you can do the same
thing with GenericForeignKey in the place of OneToOneField. So you end
up storing the "type" of the remote model and the pk of the instance you
are pointing to. No referential integrity at the database level there
(although we do enforce that the type is an existing content type).

Based on your brief description, I would use GenericForeignKeys here, I
think. But please elaborate if there's a reason that won't work for you.


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