Thanks, Malcolm!

I filed the ugettext_lazy problem under #11701 and attached a patch
that fixes it by using force_unicode() on the format in DateWidget.

FWIW, users could also workaround this thing by using their forms
__init__, like so:

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(SomeForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['some_date'].widget.format = ugettext_lazy('%d.%m.

Seems, the __proxy__ then already is a string/unicode when reaching
the widgets formatting method.

On Aug 7, 5:39 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 11:56 +1000, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> > On Thu, 2009-08-06 at 08:06 -0700, cArkraus wrote:
> > > Hey all,
> > > I cant seem to get my (non-model-)forms datefield localized.
> > > Here's my first attempt:
> > > some_date = fields.DateField(widget=widgets.DateInput(format=ugettext
> > > ('%d.%m.%Y')))
> > This would do the translation when the file is imported, which won't
> > reflect the user's current locale. The working rule is that you don't
> > use ugettext() outside of a view function (or something called directly
> > by a view).
> > > That's working fine, until the user switches his sessions language.
> > > Then, the date is still shown in the format(ie. '%d.%m.%Y') and not
> > > the correctly localized one(ie. '%Y-%m-%d').
> > > Now, if I change to ugettext_lazy() like this:
> > > some_date = fields.DateField(widget=widgets.DateInput
> > > (format=ugettext_lazy('%d.%m.%Y')))
> > > I get a TemplateSyntaxError 'strftime() argument 1 must be string or
> > > read-only buffer, not __proxy__'
> > That's a bug in Django and Python (both sides share some blame: Python's
> > string handling is retarded in cases like this and Django doesn't work
> > around it correctly here). It's not particularly easy to work around it,
> > either.
> This came about ambiguously: without hunting down the offending place
> right at the moment, I'm still fairly certain it's easy to fix this in
> Django's core. I can't think of an easy way to work around it in Django
> apps, however (that might be because I'm not imaginative enough).
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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