I've done some further checking, and see that this issue has two
parts. The first part is certainly a bug. Basically, selects with
optgroups are broken. Here's the ticket: 

The second part is that if, on a choice field, blank=False, the model
won't validate unless there is a selection, even if a default is
supplied. So, if the field has been disabled, there will be an error.
This is different from previous Django behavior, but probably doesn't
matter much to me, now that I know what is happening.

On Jan 27, 10:44 pm, "Thomas B. Higgins" <thomasbhigg...@gmail.com>
> I am writing to see if anyone thinks this is not a bug before creating
> a new ticket. I have an app that runs as expected on Django 1.1.1. It
> used to work on the development version, but a problem arose no later
> than 1.2 alpha 1 SVN-12271, and perhaps much earlier.
> Basically, the errors dictionary is wrong for every CharField with
> choices in the model. My custom validation continues to work, except
> when overridden by default validation. When my custom validation is
> commented out, the picture becomes clearer:
> 1)  An error "Value u"A325" is not a valid choice" is reported for a
> select field with no possibility of selecting a blank when any of the
> four available choices is selected. Elimination of the "blank" line is
> handled as described on 11/07/07 by semenov 
> athttp://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/4653
> using a combination of an explicit blank=False and a declared default
> value. This is baffling. I cannot conceive of a reason for an error in
> this case.
> 2) An error of "This field cannot be blank" is reported for fields
> with a default named in the model, such as:
> stiff_pl_grade    = models.CharField(max_length=8, choices=PL_grades,
> blank=False, default="A36",
>     help_text="Stiffener PL grade")
> It is my understanding that if a default is supplied, it should not be
> necessary to fill the field, even if blank=False.
> FloatFields with choices and IntegerFields with choices continue to
> behave as expected.
> It seems clear that when the is_valid() method is run on the form,
> something bad is happening to CharFields with choices, and this type
> of field only, and perfectly valid string selections or string
> defaults are being reported as invalid, probably by automatic model
> validation.
> My code works fine under version 1.1.1 and I see nothing in the
> development documentation to explain this odd new behavior.
> Any thoughts?

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