On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:34:29 +0200
ssc <s...@gmx.biz> wrote:

> But don't you think, that in most cases the administrator of dl will 
> also be the root or a privileged user on the webserver/system? In this 
> case he would always be able to get those uploaded files through system 
> access.

In one of the cases I could see, an administrator was simply someone managing 
DL accounts, not having full root access.

I would love to extend DL to add an 'intermediate' administrator with reduced 
permissions (managing his own users only).

But I digress. I agree with your point.

> > I'm mostly ok with sending the password in
> > notifications though.
> What do you think about showing the password for the registered user? 
> Don't send it out through email in any way. Just show it in the WebGUI. 
> Or send it out through email for download tickets, but show it on the 
> WebGUI as well.

I'd go for the second. I think that, when sending tickets the first time, users 
would put the password in the e-mail anyway.

If I showed the password in the list, would that be enough for the grant? (that 
is, the grant notification would still not contain the password).

> > But should an administrator have access to all files
> > then?
> In my opinion an administrator is an administrator. So he should be able 
> to have access to all files.
> Just have another idea. Let the user decice whether the administrator 
> may see it or not. If not, save the password as a Hash and if he should 
> see it, save it as clear text and show it through the WebGUI. This is 
> not very complex to impement.

I'd always save in clear-text anyway. This boils down to: should I display the 
password for administrators?

I guess you're right.

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