I'm trying to figure out how to handle DMARC for two different customers. If this is already documented somewhere, please point me to the documentation because I don't think I've seen so far.

Customer 1 is sending work notices to employees in the field. Customer 2 is sending automated messages from different types of monitoring tools through a single relay server[1] which will adjust the message headers and sign the message.

In both cases, we want to handle email from the servers separate from the servers in the parent zone. The parent zones already has DKIM, SPF, and DKIM record set up for a different set of servers (corporate and third party marketing).

Can a delegated zone have its own DKIM, SPF and DMARC records? Do I need to make the from email address be an address within the zone or can it be an email address from the parent zone?

For example, let's say the parent domain is example.com and the zone is task.example.com.

Can I set up the dmarc info for the zone something like:

_dmarc.task TXT v=DMARC1; p=none;rua=mailto:task_...@example.com; fo=0; adkim=r; aspf=r;sp=none

I'm assuming the lack of a '.' after the domain name would do the usual thing of adding on the parent zone's name. I suspect that the dkim and spf zone specific records would look something like:

task._domainkey    IN    TXT     "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; " "p=MIGfMA0GCS...."
@    TXT    v=spf1 a:task.example.com -all

For email headers, I'm assuming that everything would need to be @task.example.com with a reply-to: x...@example.com.

how far off base am I?

thanks for guidance.
--- eric

[1] no, it's not an open relay. Addresses are white listed and a limited number of destinations are permitted. Someday I'll get my client to move to full signing everywhere and filtering on the signature.
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