On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Rolf E. Sonneveld <
r.e.sonnev...@sonnection.nl> wrote:

> Can I get some clarification on the intent here?  As worded, this
> paragraph suggests that we are looking to produce a model for MLMs to
> follow in a DMARC-aware world.  I was under the impression that (a) this is
> a non-starter, and (b) we're not chartered to do so.
> I  believe your impression is correct. Let's not start working on MLM's.

Just to be clear, I think cataloging MLM interactions and all that stuff is
potentially quite useful, but the suggestion was to "specify a credible MLM
model" which to me sounds like we're going to propose something we have no
business proposing; we're not chartered to do so, and history suggests
there will be aggressive objection to any such effort even if we were.

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