On 7/6/21 05:45, Todd Herr wrote:
> The theoretical goal of any domain owner that publishes a DMARC record
> is to transition from an initial policy of p=none to a final one of
> p=reject, because it is only at p=reject that DMARC's intended purpose
> of preventing same-domain spoofing can be fully realized.

While preventing impersonation of "high value" domains was the original
impetus for DMARC, and preventing same-domain spoofing is a/the core
benefit, it provides value for other use cases as well. For example, a
domain that doesn't currently see much abuse and has several indirect
mailflows (so "p=none"), but wants reporting as an "early warning
system" in case they're targeted later.

Broad applicability helps justify putting DMARC on the Standards Track,
so IMO we should be careful not to preclude other use cases, or give the
impression they aren't seen as valid.


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