On December 17, 2021 11:26:38 PM UTC, Douglas Foster 
<dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> wrote:
>A year after raising my concerns, I am still trying to get a collaborative
>discussion started about what the optimal test looks like.  In a
>collaborative discussion, those who are happy with the status quo convince
>the skeptics to come on board, listen to their concerns, acknowledge them,
>and do what they can to accommodate those concerns so that consensus can be
>achieved.    I am willing to be convinced, but I am skeptical and I am
>looking for some collaboration.
It may be that this is a cultural issue then.  In the IETF, where there is an 
established consensus (rough or not), the burden is on those seeking to 
overturn the consensus to convince people.  If you think about it, if a working 
group were obligated to rehash things whenever new people show up, it would be 
difficult to accomplish anything in an open environment where new people can 
show up anytime.

I suspect you might have more luck if you first consulted Chesterton's Fence.  
I think you'd have more luck with questions about why things are the way they 
are than immediate assertions that they are wrong.

Scott K

P.S. At least as I understand it.  I'm relatively new too.

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