Not quite.  Lists are already screwed up, AFAICS.

Right.  Lists were fine until DMARC screwed them up.

Because there are more ways for a forwarder to change a message than you or I can describe.

That critic applies to my draft, not to unmunging in general. The only change we care about here is the From: field.

As I said:

It's similar, but the difference is that ARC actually deals with the problem and this doesn't.  ARC answers the question the recipients care about, "was this message aligned before it was forwarded?"  Your approach doesn't, and can't if the original message was aligned using SPF.

ARC's added value is only meaningful for receivers whose reputation system is so sophisticated that that info matters. That is, for global mailbox providers.

I don't think it is a good idea to assert that you know how other people's mail systems work. We have ARC, and we know that From munging does not address the spam leakage problem which affects everyone who receives mailing list mail, while ARC does

Unless someone else says they think we should engage in this mission creep, this is all I plan to say on this topic.

John Levine,, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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