I haven’t done extensive research but here is a live example where treewalk will cause a result change. From: is in the domain Ret.bmcc.cuny.edu which has no DMARC record.
_dmarc.bmcc.cuny.edu.    300    IN    TXT    "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; fo=1;

_dmarc.cuny.edu.    3325    IN    TXT    "v=DMARC1;" "p=none;"

Good catch, although in this case I think the most likely result is that the people at bmcc.cuny.edu will say "who set up Ret.bmcc.cuny.edu?" I see that bmcc.cuny.edu and cuny.edu both use Proofpoint in front of O365, while Ret.bmcc.cuny.edu goes directly to O365. There's some other strangeness; www.cuny.edu is a CNAME for web.cuny.edu which has an MX to mail-relay.cuny.edu. which has 7 A records pointing to machines running sendmail.

It might be interesting to set up a web page where you can put in a mail domain and it'll tell you whether its treatment will change with the tree walk.

John Levine, jo...@taugh.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. https://jl.ly

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