On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 1:40 PM Scott Kitterman <skl...@kitterman.com>

> On April 15, 2023 8:17:41 PM UTC, John R Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
> >> I'm assuming that the "long list of stinky possible workarounds" are
> the existing "whatever" mitigations, and rewriting seems to be acceptable
> enough as a mitigation to convince large [enterprise] mail systems to move
> forward with restrictive policies. ...
> >
> >I think you are greatly overestimating the connection between cause and
> effect here.  The people setting the policies have no idea what effect they
> have on their users, and to the degree they do, they do not care. IETFers
> at large organizations who support their IETF work, and that have p=reject,
> tell me they've told the IT departments that the policy is making it hard
> for them to get their work done and the response is either "duh?" or "not
> our problem."
> >
> >> I intentionally published > "p=quarantine pct=0" specifically to find
> the MLMs that implemented no mitigations, weighed that against what I knew
> about which receivers enforced non-mitigated mail, and then made a judgment
> call to move forward.
> >
> >It sure would be nice if people at other organizations were as concerned
> about the quality of mail service to their users.  But noooooo.
> >
> >> I believe Wei suggested that we need to find a better "whatever" (in
> the form of an alternative to SPF and DKIM that works with mailing lists)
> ...
> >
> >I would like a pony, too.  But ARC is as good as we have now and after a
> decade of beating our heads against the wall, I don't think we're going to
> find anything better.  I've suggested a bunch of things that would make
> lists' life better, and nobody is interested:
> >
> Agreed.
> If someone has a great idea for a third way in email authentication, they
> should develop the idea, get some deployment experience, and then document
> the protocol.  After that would come the question of adding it to DMARC.
> This is not the working group to do that work.

Agreed such a proposal shouldn't be worked on in DMARC.  Also agreed that
it's a good idea to get deployment experience.  That said, I think there is
a lot of value in getting early IETF feedback in some other
forum/mailing-list to help review the potential proposals.


> Scott K
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