In summary:

“Report senders SHOULD attempt delivery via SMTP using STARTTLS to all 
receivers.  Transmitting these reports via a secured session is preferrable.”

I don’t think we should add this in, but receivers could deploy DANE/MTA-STS if 
they wanted to ensure senders who honor those will use TLS.

Alex Brotman
Sr. Engineer, Anti-Abuse & Messaging Policy

From: dmarc <> On Behalf Of Hector Santos
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 4:29 PM
To: Scott Kitterman <>
Subject: Re: [dmarc-ietf] I-D Action: 

On Apr 26, 2023, at 3:50 PM, Scott Kitterman 
<<>> wrote:

I think it would be crazy in 2023 not to use STARTTLS is offered.


Personally I interpreted it more as employ a secure transport and think through 
if you really want to be sending the report if you can't.

I think there's some room for interpretation and I think that's fine.

I believe connectivity is independent of the application.

All connections SHOULD assume the highest possible security available today.

For unsolicited email, the presumption would be:

Port 25

If I was start performing reports (and I think I will), that is how I would 
begin, naturally, with outbound SMTP clients with optional TLS if offered.

Sorry if I was not focused with the main question,

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