On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 8:24 AM Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:

> My wording can certainly be improved.  Before denying the idea, please
> consider
> a couple of facts:
> 1) We want ARC to override DMARC, yet we don't say so.  Not in such a way
> that,
> when a receivers does so, he can say he's following the letter of the
> protocol.

Do we need to say that expressly?  Isn't it just another input that a
filtering engine could consider?

> 2) Content filtering cannot override DMARC, can it?  By "override", I mean
> the
> author domain publishes a hard policy, both SPF and DKIM fail, and there
> is no
> deterministic sign (signature or IP) that the message comes from a
> recognized
> forwarder (including MLs).  What kind of content could ever suggest that a
> receiver conscientiously overrides DMARC?

Is that for this document to stipulate?  The actual, final logic of an
operator's filtering engine is not our affair.

> "Other knowledge and analysis", as currently in the draft, certainly
> includes
> content filtering.  Do we mean it?  Can we think of an example?

Sure.  Think of the opposite case: DMARC passes for spam.  Content
filtering absolutely should override the DMARC result.

Unless you want to go down the road of proposing that a "pass" should
always win out over any other result while a "fail" should be just one of
many dimensions of analysis, I think the way things are is both correct and

-MSK, participating
dmarc mailing list

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