Murray S. Kucherawy wrote on 2023-10-20 21:35:
(2) Mapping a misspelled "reject" or "quarantine" to "none" even only in the report will be confusing; the domain owner will be told there's a "none" out there when there isn't.  A non-thorough domain owner might conclude that the receiver is broken and not debug their problem.  The guidance here ought to result in the report indicating somehow that the receiver assumed "none" because what it extracted from the DNS appeared to be junk.  Should the report include a mechanism making this explicit?

I'm a strong proponent of including human-understandable error messages in DMARC reports. More than once, I puzzled over whether the outgoing message stream or the report sender is broken.

In the above case, the already existing (but not prominently known) optional <error> field in the <report_metadata> section can be used to include an error message, e.g., "syntax error in sp tag".

Text suggestion:
The Mail Receiver MAY utilize the optional "error" field in aggregate reports to announce syntax errors identified in the DMARC policy record.


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