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In message <CAH48ZfxMZzu0YoVOOGgBrhNMMcrZcArpM=ygg7brz5fum1x...@mail.gma
il.com>, Douglas Foster <dougfoster.emailstanda...@gmail.com> writes

>    I am surprised at the lack of feedback about Barry's research link.
>       It is a devastating attack on our ability to trust SPF when 
>    shared infrastructure is involved.

those of us who look at email logs (at scale) have long been aware that
major brands with shared infrastructure SPF settings can be trivially
spoofed (and what's more they ARE trivially spoofed pretty much all the
time)  Since there's lots of other ways of constructing convincing phish
(you only really need a good Subject header field and the right logo) it
is just one approach for the bad guys among many.

>  As a result of that document, I 
>    have switched camps and believe that we MUST provide a DKIM-only 
>    option for DMARC. 

when this last came up the people who like SPF argued that the fix was
for people to set their SPF records so that they did not actually count
towards a DMARC pass (using the ? mechanism) -- and they seemed to carry
the day (or we all just got too tired to argue for something simpler)

>    The proposed workaround, of using a "?" modifier to force SPF 
>    Neutral instead of Pass, seems to lack both awareness and 
>    implementation, since it was not even mentioned in the research 
>    document as a mitigation.

I'm assuming that when I have time to read the latest version of the
document then that will have been written down so as to guide people. If
not then that should be fixed ASAP.

But I'm not surprised that the researchers had not come across it, or if
they did they did not understand exactly what it did -- you may recall
that I did not either first time around.

- -- 
richard                                              Richard Clayton

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.         Benjamin Franklin

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