On Mon, Apr 1, 2024 at 8:18 AM Brotman, Alex <Alex_Brotman=
40comcast....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> One item left out of Seth’s text is that due to MBPs who act in this
> fashion, these SPF evaluation failures will (understandably) not show up in
> DMARC reports, and the domain owner may not have visibility for these
> failures.  However, the text also puts the onus on the domain owner instead
> of the MBP.  The text could be altered to instead suggest that MBPs who
> deploy DMARC should not utilize the outcome of SPF in this fashion.  If the
> domain owner wants to protect their domain, and has no idea if the MBP
> supports DMARC properly (presuming they also have an enforcing policy), is
> it more or less advisable to use “-all” with your SPF record?
> I’d be curious to see the Venn diagram of MBPs who implement SPF in this
> fashion, and also fully support DMARC.  I feel like the MBPs who I’ve
> encountered deploying an SPF check in this way had not at the time
> supported DMARC.
> --
> Alex Brotman
> Sr. Engineer, Anti-Abuse & Messaging Policy
> Comcast
I was just thinking along these lines and was going to post but you beat me
to the punch.


Michael Hammer
dmarc mailing list

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