Hello, DMM chairs,
I would like to request a slot to discuss the following draft. 

The title of the presentation: Mobility Capability Negotiation and Protocol 
Presenter name: Zhiwei Yan
Time you need: 15min
Draft reference: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-yan-dmm-man-05

Z.W. Yan
From: Satoru Matsushima
Date: 2019-10-22 11:07
To: dmm
Subject: [DMM] IETF106 - Call for Agenda Items

The DMM chairs are planning the dmm meeting in Singapore at IETF106:

18th November, Monday Afternoon Session II (15:50-17:50)

If you have a draft or any topics you would like to discuss, please send your 
request for agenda time to the dmm chairs. Please include the information in 
the request as following:

The title of the presentation:
Presenter name:
Time you need:
Draft reference: 

Please have agenda items to us by 2019-11-04 (November 4th).

The draft cut-off date: 14th November UTC 23:59 (2 weeks before the meeting).

Dapeng & Sri & Satoru
dmm mailing list

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