On Friday, August 07, 2015 05:06:14 PM Gregory Nowak wrote:

> 2. I want ctrl+alt+del to do shutdown -h, instead of shutdown -r
> (another real use case on another virtual system). I couldn't figure
> out a way to do this in debian jessie.
> Now, what you proposed above from what I understand should work for my
> first example. The admin would do something like tty1.agetty stop,
> followed by tty1.agetty disable. Nice, simpler then open inittab in an
> editor, and commenting out lines, followed by telinit q. However, I
> don't see how your proposal above would deal with defining what
> ctrl+alt+del does per my second example. Handling such events isn't
> as simple as starting/stopping a daemon with a universal init
> script. Since you mentioned getting rid of most of inittab but not all
> of it, would ctrl+alt+del be one of the things you envision inittab
> still being useful for?

I am just curious, but did you try installing sysvinit and systemd-shim?  
Theoretically, it should give you System 5 startup and shutdown, while keeping 
compatibility with things that depend on systemd, like Gnome.

I haven't actually looked if it installs an old fashioned Debian inittab, but 
it might be worth a shot.


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