Go Linux wrote:

>Needless to say, I am NOT going to install it.

Why not then pin libsystemd0 two times,
both "old APT" and "new APT (>1.1)" ways?

As we have been discussing pinning for a while now,
you probably have seen the "new way."

Avoiding libsystemd0 without angband.pl repos is
not possible yet though.

PS I didn't receive the message, I am replying to, again.
I will probably use protonmail.ch again, when they will
move out of beta-stage on February 18. Right now accessing
it costs a lot of pressure; you have to enter two passwords
every time you close the tab with it. Needless to say, 
you can't use it in a client. Their mobile and desktop apps
are in development though.

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