Le 14/04/2017 à 10:57, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult a écrit :
* srvmgt_report_state(...)
   --> report the service state to the supervisor
   --> states could be eg.
        * SRVMGT_STATE_STARTUP     -- still within the startup phase
        * SRVMGT_STATE_READY_LOCAL -- ready for local clients only
        * SRVMGT_STATE_READY_ALL   -- ready for all clients
        * SRVMGT_STATE_BUSY        -- too busy to process new requests
        * SRVMGT_STATE_SHUTDOWN    -- shutting down, still finishing
                                       queued requests
        * SRVMGT_STATE_DEFERRED    -- temporarily can't accept new
                                       requests (eg. overload)
        * SRVMGT_STATE_WAITING     -- wait for resource (eg. printer
                                       needs paper or ink)
        * SRVMGT_STATE_OFFLINE     -- completely offline (eg. due some
                                       fatal error)

Reporting state is usefull, but this could be achieved by writing the state in plain text to stdout. It is up to the supervisr to establish a pipe between itself and the daemon's stdout. If there isn't a supervisor, then writing to /dev/null doesn't harm. Or why not write to a file in /run? Anyway, I don't think it deserves to link to a library to perform such a simple thing.


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