On 10/11/2017 11:29 AM, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:

On 23.09.2017 10:51, Miroslav Rovis wrote:

Except with Udoo the *fake* open hardware. Based on Intel x86 processor, as I
strongly suspect.

Maybe we should set up a public list of open vs. proprietary hardware,
a big hall of fame and hall of shame. Laud the good and blame the bad.
I recently stated the same on the coreboot mailing list, I think we should collaborate to create one.

Propriatary hardware isn't really an issue if it is sold as such, but so many companies sleaze out and sell it as "open hardware" ex: the RPI, purism, udoo, orwl, etc which sucks money from the actual libre hardware providers (of which there is at least one in every market segment)

In addition to the existing FSF RYF system I propose the creation of a "Freedom Inside" rating and certification system where vendors (now that there are more than a few) can have their products certified by a central body.

This would have:
Multiple levels of freedom with a clear central website with explanations of what each freedom level is (low, med, high, or something to that effect).
Standardized requirements for company marketing
Everything agreed upon on by various community experts "request for feedback" Indicators of performance level and market segment on the intel inside style badge placed on every device (eg: the laymen could use an ARM laptop day to day, but has no idea how it compares to an x86 device - nor does he know that $2K is a actually a good deal for performance server hardware) Ease of source-compilation requirement, so that the average power user can easily roll their own (ex: no getting unsigned 5 year old libs from a shady website)

I also propose a hardware-freedom-generic mailinglist be created for philosophy debates, "should I buy X?", newbie questions etc moreso now that TALOS 2 is in the picture the hardware freedom world is more than just coreboot so I think it would be a great idea.
Dng mailing list

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