The files listed below are all part of package acpi-support.

    /etc/acpi/events/lidbtn causes the invocation of /etc/acpi/ on lid events

    /etc/acpi/lid/sh invokes a function called CheckPolicy(), which is in file /usr/share/acpi-support/policy-funcs.

   CheckPolicy() checks if there is a daemon managing lid events. If so, does nothing; otherwise it just locks the screen on close - at least on my laptop.

    Therefore, when xfce4-power-manager is running, exits after sending it some dbus message. The problem is that xfce4-power-manager doesn't do anything.

    Now I have the following options:

    1) Try to obtain something from xfce4-power-manager. I'm not ready to debug the dbus nightmare. It might be that the package dbus-user-session is necessary. But this one depends on libpam-systemd and therefore is uninstallable on Devuan.

    2) Rewrite /etc/acpi/libtn to invoke my own script.

    Am I the only one with that problem?


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