On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 09:06:29PM +0100, J. Fahrner wrote:
> Am 2018-01-20 20:33, schrieb Hendrik Boom:
> >I gather from the extracts provided by the spam sites Google thinks are
> >relevant to devuan that there is a devuan for the Raspberry Pi.
> >
> >Where do I find it?  How do I install it?  Can I install and try out
> >Ascii?  or just Jessie?
> I had no luck with the images from Devuan. But you can install Raspbian and
> then migrate to Devuan following this guide:
> https://talk.devuan.org/t/migrating-from-debian-to-a-minimalist-devuan/181
> This is my sources.list:
> deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ jessie  rpi
> deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged jessie          main contrib
> non-free
> deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged jessie-updates  main contrib
> non-free
> deb http://auto.mirror.devuan.org/merged jessie-security main contrib
> non-free

So you end up with *both* the devuan sources and a raspbian one?

-- hendrik
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