
    I installed ASCII beta after buying a new 480GB SSD for my laptop. As usual, I selected expert install and escaped the normal procedure (through ctrl-alt-f2) to format the disk using my favorite partitionner cfdisk.

    I noticed it has changed since the last time I had to use it. The <u> key no longer toggles the unit used to dsplay sizes; it now serves to save the configuration. Not a big problem since the unit mupliplicators M and G are in powers of two and not powers of 10, and the sector size is 512bytes.

    I installed from the DVD image stored in an USB memory stick.

    Installation was faster than through the network, although it is not clear to me wether some packages were installed through the network or not.

    On the way, I was proposed to configure either eth0 or wlan0 and I choosed eth0.

    Upon reboot there was no network connection and no ifconfig. I'm not familiar with the ip command and I had to browse the web (on another machine) to find the translation of ifconfig commands to ip commands. I put the interface up (maybe it was already), but the network was still not working. I launched dhclient by hand and then it worked. Then I installed net-tools, wpa-supplicant and wpa-gui, copied my old wpa_supplicant.conf, added the proper config for wlan0 and installed and configured ifplugd and I am now with a machine able to set up the network automatically.

    When trying to install packages using synaptic, I was stuck because I had removed the DVD image and this image was still in source.list. By chance, source.list can be edited from inside synaptic. This has been a long standing issue in Debian.

    I wanted to use zfs for my home partition, not using any RAID feature, just one partition. The installation of zfs-dkms was extremely long. The first time it was just endless and I interrupted it and it was difficult to recover dpkg. Finally I was able to clean-up and I retried the installation of zfs-dkms. This time it was long also, but at least, I could see something consuming cpu time (several gcc threads). And it eventually completed.

    Now I have zfs-dkms and zfs-tools installed; I can create a zfs pool containing a single partition, but it disapears after reboot.

    I am back with my old 254GB SSD. I will try harder later to make a zfs home.

    Still dodgy, isn't it (^:


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