On Wed, 2018-03-28 at 02:42 +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:

> More interesting is the timing between this addition and the DNC hack, where
> the files are known to have been saved to an USB pen drive.  This would
> explain the weird inclusion of refer[r]er, which has no obvious legitimate
> use but would often leak who downloaded the file (if a session was
> identified as an argument to the URL rather than a cookie).

Looks older:

So if Seth Rich used Chrome, it might have incriminated him.  If someone
got the physical flash drive he was using.  Or he uploaded a .tar file
that preserved the extended attributes?  But the 4chan spergs who went
over the DNC Leaks would have noticed something that big.

And it gets better:

I swear, these people are a menace.   According to the same madmen who
gave us the modern desktops this isn't a security problem, a privacy
violation or even a bug.  It is a feature.

According to that bug, this started on Mac and was added to the Linux
version.  No note saying it was added to Windows.  If anyone still runs
that legacy security nightmare, it would be good to know if it has or
doesn't have this anti-feature.

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