On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 19:51:47 +0300
Lars Noodén <lars.noo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I suspect that if I could figure out 1) the appropriate drivers, and
> 2) how to get them from Debian, that would be the solution.

Hallo Lars,

in one of your previous mails you pasted the output of your attempt to
install the "nvidia-driver" package. If you follow down the dependency
chain by manually trying to install the "not installable" predepends,
sooner or later you'll reach the package, which is the root of this
problem; apt will give you a more detailed error message for it. 

NB: I just did an "apt-rdepends nvidia-driver | grep systemd" on my
Ascii desktop, which returned only "libsystemd0", so it's probably no
Devuan specific thing - as long as you didn't change the default apt

hth & libre Grüße,


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