On 2018-07-25 02:11, Hleb Valoshka wrote:
On 7/23/18, Rolf Schmidt <rolf.fr...@t-online.de> wrote:

I would ask, if it is true, that the openssh-server still needs
libsystemd0 in ascii?


Can I expect e fix?

It's required just to notify systemd that sshd is running, so in
systemd-less system it's nop. So mostly libsystemd0 is harmless.

Currently Devuan team doesn't have enough man power to fork every
single package just to cleanup its dependencies.

According to KatolaZ libsystemd is "*totally* *harmless* if you
don't have a running systemd as PID 1". It is however annoying to have to see it though.


Unfortunately the archive of that post has been corrupted and is no longer available.

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