On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 03:34:27 +0200 (CEST)
<mad.scientist.at.la...@tutanota.com> wrote:

> how an i possibly get local storage of login information to work
> again in firefox?
A history of what changes you made/have occurred might give people a
clue to give you information that is a bit more useful than change your
hair part.

In my case, I lost all those stored pw/logins when I tried out gnome
keyring. Removing it didn't bring them/the option back either. I've had
to revert to the dead tree storage for many, or continual "recover my
pw options". YMMV

>  Can't find any configs in about:config to enable a
> master passord or learning of new login data without "sync",
> "pocket", etc. 
A web search suggests the relevant files are in
~.mozilla/firefox/"profile" in keys* and sone sqllite files.

> should i just switch to a browser with any respect
> for privacy and user preference,

May be. It depends on you level of privacy/security/convenience you

> or is it time to just shoot my
> gigabit ethernet because every one is a whore?  Yes, i specifically
> mean mozilla and google.

I think they are widely spread on which ever 'internet' you
use. I use privacybadger to alert me to their fangs
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