terryc - 06.09.18, 05:46:
> On Thu, 6 Sep 2018 03:34:27 +0200 (CEST)
> <mad.scientist.at.la...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> >  Can't find any configs in about:config to enable a 
> > master passord or learning of new login data without "sync",
> > "pocket", etc. 
> A web search suggests the relevant files are in
> ~.mozilla/firefox/"profile" in keys* and sone sqllite files.

Guys and gals, no need to fiddle with some obscure semi-hidden settings. 
It all is openly in privacy settings page in any recent enough Firefox.

> > or is it time to just shoot my
> > gigabit ethernet because every one is a whore?  Yes, i specifically
> > mean mozilla and google.
> I think they are widely spread on which ever 'internet' you
> use. I use privacybadger to alert me to their fangs
> (https://www.eff.org/privacybadger).

I used it as well.

I read several times recommendations not to use Privacy Badger. Why? It 
learns. And thus its very individual on every browser. Thus web pages 
may track you by testing out what requests your browser blocks and 
create an unique profile about the behavior of your ad blocking addon.

Maybe that finger printing issue is overrated, I don´t know. But from 
what I read ad and tracking people use any tricks they can.

Thus I now use uBlock Origin. I think it is the only plugin needed for 
that case. Its very efficient. Uses a configurable set of standard 
filter lists and can be configured easily to just block *any* accesses 
to third party domains by default, which I did. There is also uMatrix as 
an alternative but its really way more complex and does not really come 
with a set of default rules I think. But its way more powerful and 
flexible as far as I read.


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