On Wed, 12 Dec 2018, Rick Moen wrote:

> Quoting Jim Jackson (j...@franjam.org.uk):
> > Just an aside - what are the alternatives to procmail?
> > so far I've only found _maildrop_ as an in-line delivery filter.
> Most-often mentioned alternative LDAs (local delivery agents) are 
> Maildrop, sieve[1], sortmail, and Dovecot LDA.  (Me, I just persist in
> using Procmail.)

me too :-) but I was curious. I appears there is a dirth of alternatives. A 
lot of those I've seen mentioned are not LDAs. But then there I too noticed 
there does seem to be is a lot of confusion about email functionality 
generally as you mention...

> The LWN.net article and comment thread (https://lwn.net/Articles/416901/)
> covers some of this.
> Note:  If you look on Wikipedia, there's some confusion between LDAs and
> MDAs (mail delivery agents), things that do mail transport like IMAP and
> POP3 to -fetch- the mail.  And, actually, LWN's Jon Corbet makes the
> same regrettable category error.  (Damned kids.  Get off my lawn, and
> don't kick my SMTP mail spool.  ;->  )
> [1] A filtering language rather than a utility as such.  Specific
> implementations are catalogued here:  http://sieve.info/

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