On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 09:37:44PM +0000, Rowland penny via Dng wrote:
> On 19/01/2020 21:22, Haines Brown wrote:
> > It been ten years since I've installed a virtual machine under Linux,
> > and things have changed.
> > 
> > I downloaded and ran VMware-Player-3.1.1-282343.x86_64.bundle to
> > install VMware Player with success.

> > The second command starts a vmware process, but I gather I should
> > expect a VMware window to pop up.

Roland, you suggest: 

> I suspect running it this way will require a desktop, I mean it is hardly
> likely to pop up something on a desktop that isn't there ;-)

You raise an intestesing point. For decades I've run all sorts of 
applications from a CL ñthat raise windows with a window manager but 
without my having any desktop. I never experienced this problem 
before. I always thought of a DE as a set of toys that are on top of 
and share a graphical environment, the X Windows System that I have 
installed and is independent of any DE.

> Try reading the man page.

Man vmware is about the video driver for virtual video cards. Its 
configuration does not seem to affect whether or not a window is 

> I should also point out that Windows 7 and 8 are both EOL.

I mentioned antiques because I thought maybe they could be picked up 
for a song.

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