On 27-11-2021 16:17, o1bigtenor via Dng wrote:

Started way back when when I got to the web full-time using webmail.
Haven't ever setup an email system and AIUI it is a system - - - there are a lot of parts that have to work together to have everything working well.

A mentor, now deceased, recommended using Claws but even that's not all that's needed for an email system. So - - - I'm looking for recommendations on what and how to setupĀ an email system. The why you're using what you are is vitally important for me (as are my security and privacy).



Dng mailing list

If you want a fast way to setup a mailserver including spam and viruscontrol, webmail and webadmin and much much more, I would take a look at https://hub.docker.com/r/mailserver2/mailserver

This is a all-round mailserver in a docker container(s) which is relative easy to setup. Far more easy then doing it by hand and I have done both so I can tell from experience.

Full source code is available at github.



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