On Thu, 2020-07-30 at 02:58 +0100, Tony Finch wrote:
> Ilari Liusvaara <ilariliusva...@welho.com> wrote:
> > Then there is RRSIG, which seems bit alarming. While direct queries
> > should not do anything special, I noticed two troublesome properties:
> > 
> > 1) The answers can be pretty large (amplification hazard with UDP).
> > 2) The queries can be really slow compared to other types.
> Yes. From an implementation perspective, RRSIG queries work in a very
> similar way to ANY queries. They have the advantage that no-one is likely
> to think an RRSIG query is useful, so it's reasonable to NOTIMP them.
> If QTYPE=ANY is forbidden for early data then QTYPE=RRSIG should be too.

NOTIMP tells the client 'I do not support the QUERY opcode'. That is
not a message you want to send out, unless you want people to just stop
querying you.

(PowerDNS has picked REFUSED as the response to RRSIG queries).

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
PowerDNS.COM BV - https://www.powerdns.com/

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