On 1 September 2016 at 08:18, Shane Kerr <sh...@time-travellers.org> wrote:

> Hello DNS working group,
> I nominate myself as co-chair of the DNS working group.
> I've been involved with DNS and with RIPE since the 20th century, and
> have written DNS software and worked for DNS providers of various
> kinds. I currently work for the Beijing Internet Institute doing DNS
> research, mostly in our root server testbed project, Yeti[1], these
> days.
> You may remember me from my previous stint as one of the RIPE IPv6
> working group co-chairs, or possibly from the tragic BIND 10
> project[2]. I am also currently on the RIPE meeting program committee.
> I have no specific changes that I think are needed in the DNS working
> group - there is always more proposals than room for them at RIPE
> meetings, with informative sessions and friendly participation. But I
> love the RIPE community and I'm a DNS guy, so I'd like to help out.
> Cheers,
> --
> Shane

DNS since the 20th century.. it is an extremely long time when you put it
like that. :)

You will make a fantastic co-chair and I fully support your nomination.

(not sure which hat I'm wearing for this email)

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