
That didn't change anything. Old domain and hostnames without domain part still work (either from /etc/hosts or DHCP-assigned), but new domain doesn't.

How does dnsmasq know which domains it should serve, if the "local" option is not for this purpose?

Simon Kelley schrieb:
Holger Schletz wrote:

I'm using dnsmasq 2.35 on Debian to serve a local domain. This has worked for a long time without problems. Now I want to serve a second domain as an alias for the old domain. I use this option:


After restarting dnsmasq, the logfile says, as expexted:

using local addresses only for domain newdomain
using local addresses only for domain olddomain

Querying hosts from olddomain still works, but newdomain always gives me an NXDOMAIN:

Does it work if you remove the local=..... line? Its only effect is on what happens if a name cannot be found locally, so not having it there shouldn't stop a genuinely local name from being found.



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