Hi Simon - I'm a big fan of DNSMasq, it's great software, thanks all for
your hard work.  I had three requests/questions I just wanted to throw out
there that would come in handy for simplifying configuration in what I
think would be an intuitive way.  For the most part, this is related to
consolidating DNSMasq implementations into a single config file and
extending cmd line syntax to reduce reliance on external files.  I really
like the self contained simple nature of DNSMasq and I won't be happy until
it's as powerful and cryptic as Perl ;)

1) address=/domain/ip works great as described, but *.domain and *.*.domain
(etc...) also resolv based on this syntax.  Syntax like address=/.domain/ip
that would prevent *.domain from resolving, or address=/..domain/ip would
prevent *.*.domain but allow *.domain, something in that vain, would come
in handy.  That way, single A records could be overridden with
address=/.host/ip so I could keep everything in a single dnsmasq.conf file
without maintaining a separate addn-hosts file.  Seems like this could
extend functionality in a very intuitive, backwards-compatible way without
adding much messiness to config or documentation.

2) Any reason why an /etc/hosts syntax line can't be put in a dnsmasq.conf
file?  As far as I can tell it wouldn't break the dnsmasq syntax, and it
would allow for consolidating files in a very intuitive, minimalist way.

3) If #1 & #2 aren't feasible, how about something like a=host,ip that
would allow for an A/PTR pair in more traditional dnsmasq.conf style
syntax, to reduce the need for an addn-hosts file.

4) How come cname= only works for local hosts?  Would that be difficult to
implement so you could create CNAMEs for A records hosted on upstream


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