Simon just added support for dynamically adding/removing an upstream
dns server and reverse resolver in the upcoming
release which I think will handle your use case.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Tony Breeds <> wrote:
> Hi All,
>         I'm a new user of dnsmasq and I can't see an easy way to do what
> I want to do.
> My situation is (probably not that uncommon) I need to connect to a work
> VPN and while I'm connected to said VPN I need to query work's DNS
> servers for addresses but all other queries should go
> through my normal (as supplied by DHCP) DNS servers.
> I tried adding a config file like:
> server=/
> server=/
> server=/
> server=/
> Now my problem is that if that file exists when dnsmasq starts and my
> VPN interface isn't up, dnsmasq prints an error and exits.  This is
> especially painful as I'm starting dnsmasq from NetworkManager (by
> setting dns=dnsmasq in the NetworkManager config file)
> I can run a script that adds and removes the config file on VPN up/down
> events but I can't find a way to re-read all the config files for a
> running dnsmasq process.
> My next thought was to use the dbus interface to "inject" the above
> configuration to the running dnsmasq server, but I don't see a syntax
> that will remove the configuration when I take down my VPN.
> So any advice? this must be possible, perhaps I just need to be more
> creative.
> Tony.
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