On 27 January 2017 at 17:38, Tore Anderson <t...@fud.no> wrote:
> * Derek Higgins
>> I've been trying lately to get iPXE to work over DHCPv6 with dsnmasq
>> and have had no luck, Is it possible to do this with dnsmasq and
>> DHCPv6 and if so are there any examples out there?
>> I've been trying
>>   --dhcp-option="option6:bootfile-url,http://[1:2::3:4]:8088/boot.ipxe";
>> with a combination of different things, none of which I've gotten to
>> work, tcpdump shows the bootfile-url at least being sent in the dhcp6
>> advertise but then the UEFI firmware seems to ignore it
> Have you tried using a tftp:// URL instead of http://? Not sure you can
> rely on a UEFI firmware to implement HTTP.

I had yes, although what other options I was trying at the same time
I'm not sure. I'm getting back to this today and am reinstalling my
environment to try it out again on a fresh environment.

> Tore

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