2017-08-08 4:26 GMT+02:00  <wkitt...@gmail.com>:
> On 08/07/2017 06:02 PM, Matteo Croce wrote:
>> I propose adding an option to allow banning some domains.
>> add `--ban-hosts' which accepts a file name which contains a list of
>> domains to block, one per line.
>> Domains are blocked by simply returning NXDOMAIN.
> is the following in dnsmasq.conf broken???
> # block these domains with NXDOMAIN
> server=/example.com/
> server=/facebook.com/
> server=/fbcdn.net/
> server=/fbcdn.com/
> server=/facebook.net/

Nope, but it's unpractical when the ban list is huge

# wc -l /etc/banhosts
13090 /etc/banhosts

also, having it in a separate file will allow updating it without
messing with the configuration file

Matteo Croce
OpenWrt Developer

perl -e 'for($t=0;;$t++){print chr($t*($t>>8|$t>>13)&255)}' |aplay

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