On 26/04/2018 11:24, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> maybe I am too blind to see, but apparently something like
>     dhcp-range=em1,,,12h
>     dhcp-range=em2,,,12h
> is not mentioned in the man page. Is it possible that the
> interface part was lost?

If you're referring to the ability to limit particular DHCP ranges to
particular interfaces, the information's all in there (albeit admittedly
in pieces):

> The tag system works as follows: For each DHCP request, dnsmasq collects a 
> set of valid tags from active configuration lines which include set:<tag>, 
> including one from the dhcp-range used to allocate the address, one from any 
> matching dhcp-host (and "known" or "known-othernet" if a dhcp-host matches) 
> The tag "bootp" is set for BOOTP requests, and a tag whose name is the name 
> of the interface on which the request arrived is also set.

> -F, 
> --dhcp-range=[tag:<tag>[,tag:<tag>],][set:<tag>,]<start-addr>[,<end-addr>|<mode>][,<netmask>[,<broadcast>]][,<lease
>  time>]
> -F, 
> --dhcp-range=[tag:<tag>[,tag:<tag>],][set:<tag>,]<start-IPv6addr>[,<end-IPv6addr>|constructor:<interface>][,<mode>][,<prefix-len>][,<lease
>  time>]
>       [...]
>       The optional set:<tag> sets an alphanumeric label which marks this 
> network so that dhcp options may be specified on a per-network basis. When it 
> is prefixed with 'tag:' instead, then its meaning changes from setting a tag 
> to matching it. Only one tag may be set, but more than one tag may be matched.

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