It looks like your script which downloads the blocked domains file and compresses it takes 15s, then dnsmasq takes 15s to uncompress the list and load it into memory and sort.

The first delay can be solved by doing the download before stopping the old dnsmasq process. The second is amenable the new option to SIGTERM the old dnsmasq _after_ parsing the new config.

I run some additional test to verify the impact. I got the very same list (650K records) unzipped and pre-formatted (address=/$domain/) to be used by the standard conf-file directive. As we used to do before the conf-script was introduced. Here the result:

root@sparrow:/tmp/mnt/USB/adblock# time service dnsmasq restart
real    0m 4.21s
user    0m 0.00s
sys     0m 0.01s

The amazing part is that there's no measurable delay in the change of ownership from root to nobody. So 4.2 seconds and that's it which is completely acceptable for this list size. But then we're back to square 1 before this conversation ever happened. So I'm starting to conclude that the scripting part (script-conf) and it's interpretation internally, despite being flexible in terms of wanted output, it doesn't scale well on large block-files. Fair enough admittedly this has never been the reason why dnsmasq was originally created.

This also make me think further about two (potentially even overlapping) ways to progress:

A- Going back to my original idea to have a new conf-block (or block-conf whichever) directive where any domain defined in the target file will be blocked (only domains without formatting) dnsmasq would do an internal interpretation of this list of domains based on the directive. So smaller list size and no extra processing needed. This perhaps could be an option to have the cake and eat it?

B- Allow the conf-block= and/or the existing conf-file= to read a zipped source e.g.
Again no scripting/manipulation but taking advantage of the on-the-fly decompression


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