I lost the link, I did t a lot of searching which kept coming up with the dhcpcd.conf method and by all accounts many people have problems similar to what you did where the interface has issues in multi-device environments.

There's a bunch of threads on places like stackexchange and the Rasberry Pi foundation blog about the correct way to do this and the vast majority indicate that the originally suggested method of dhcpcd.conf (which was introduced in 2015) is too fragile so the two fallback methods are /etc/network/interfaces and systemd-networkd files or even NetworkManager (which I don't particularly like in general) but according to this[1] post on the foundation blog NetworkManager replaced dhcpcd as the suggested method for handling network interfaces.

I redid a search and came up with this nice long and heated thread about it:


Here is systemd-networkd static IP:

And of course /etc/network/interfaces:

In any event, you're operating a server (because you're running dnsmasq on your Pi) therefore you should not be running DHCP on your server's interfaces so there's no reason to involve dhcpcd at all[2]. Switch to a known working method of assigning a static IP (either the interfaces file, systemd-networkd, or NetworkManager) and you will be far better off in the long run.

[1] https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/the-latest-update-to-raspberry-pi-os/

[2] The only exception to this would be a Pi running as a router in which case the WAN interface might likely use DHCP to obtain an IP from the ISP/modem but otherwise DHCP should be disabled on anything but the WAN interface if the router is also your internal DHCP server.


On 2023-05-06 12:00, Johan Vromans wrote:
On Sat, 6 May 2023 11:17:22 -0700, A C <dnsmasq6...@acarver.net> wrote:

The official blog does not list using that method at all. Instead it
either points to using a systemd network file or through the
/etc/network/interfaces file.

If so, I have been unable to find it... Sorry for that.
Can you give the link?

-- Johan

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