Please tell about the experiences you personally had with open recursor
attacks at Afilias.

Afilias doesn't seem to run open recursors--is that correct?  Was
Afilias a target of an attack? If so, what did Afilias do to mitigate
the attack?  Why couldn't the attack be mitigated using ordinary
methods?  I don't seem to have any mention anywhere about Afilias being
down or harmed as a result of any attack.


On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 05:38:05PM -0400, Dean Anderson wrote:
> >  -Sullivan appears to have no personal knowledge of any attacks working
> > at Afilias, and doesn't assert having personal knowledge.
> I'm not sure how you conclude I have no personal knowledge, or how you
> make any inferences about appearances in this matter.  But for the
> record, I do in fact have such personal knowledge, so I hereby assert
> it.  
> Because when I left Afilias I (naturally) left behind any documents or
> other evidence to which I might have had access as part of my
> employment, I'm not actually in a position to deliver any evidence to
> prove to anyone what I have observed.  Since you have responded to
> everyone who has said, "I have observed these attacks," with a demand
> that they produce evidence that will convince you, it seemed to me to
> be futile to claim I've such personal knowledge.  It will only result
> in another round of shrill accusations of fraud, long quotations from
> (in my opinion completely irrelevant) law dictionaries, &c.  I am
> willing to take it as stipulated that I am yet another member of the
> giant global conspiracy to suppress the right-thinking way of running
> DNS, which is obviously your way; so you may skip listing the many
> evils I have committed in the course of my miserable life.  I still
> support the document, on the basis of my experience.  I leave it to
> others to evaluate whether my experience is of any worth whatsoever.
> A

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